
Spring Ball unites members for fun, memories, and community.

Warwick University Warwick Finance Societies WFS Exec
Karina Skierska
Warwick University Warwick Finance Societies WFS Exec
Saachee Sahoo

The Spring Ball at Warwick Finance Societies boasts the highest attendance of any university ball, and this year we are particularly excited to host the ball and get back to our in person socials, after a year of virtual events.

As the Ball team, our aim is to bring the members of Warwick Finance Societies together for a night of fun and laughter, so that everyone can make some memories they won't forget! We believe it is important to maintain a strong sense of community within our society and give all our members a chance to relax before the start of the exam season.

So, be sure to keep your eyes peeled throughout the year for more updates on what's going to be the Ball of the year!