Application Process
Division Breakdown
As you apply to specific divisions, you need to figure out what division you like the best and want to work in. To help you out we have broken down each division below.
Global Markets
The Global Markets Division enables clients to buy and sell financial products, raise funds and manage risks. We make markets and facilitate client transactions in fixed-income, equity, currency, and commodity products.
The division can be broken down into three main roles: Sales, Trading, and Structuring.
Sales people are in touch with institutions, corporates, and private individuals, suggesting appropriate investment opportunities, potential trading strategies, and products. If, for example, a currency suddenly increases in value, or there’s a new bond issuance, the sales team will inform investors and suggest the best course of action.
The actual buying and selling is done by traders, who make markets (give prices) for clients. They work closely with the sales teams to understand the client’s requirements and risk appetite. A trader tends to be an expert in a particular area (e.g. currency or bonds).
Structuring teams provide products that are tailored to clients’ specialised needs. They might help an institutional investor achieve a required risk profile, or a corporate looking to acquire new equipment through financing.
Spring Week Process
Why a Spring Week Is Important?
Spring Week (or Spring Insight, as it is also known) is a way for banks to sell to students the benefits of working in investment banking; whilst recruiters use it as an opportunity to spot future talent.
Spring Weeks can be hugely influential. Students will have the opportunity to shadow senior management teams and participate in presentations relating to investment banking.
As it is an incredibly competitive career choice, it’s often ‘who you know’ who can make a difference. Therefore, applicants use Spring Week as an opportunity to make professional connections which can help them in their future career.
Summer Internship Process
What is a Summer Internship
A summer internship is an opportunity offered by an employer to potential employees, called interns, to work at a firm for a fixed period of time. Summer interns are penultimate-year undergraduates, and most internships last between 8 weeks to 12 weeks.
A summer internship should give you practical skills, experience, and greater knowledge of an industry, in exchange for the employer benefiting from your labour.
With the emphasis firmly on training, summer internships give students real-life experience of the workplace and field they hope to break into.
This not only helps them gain critical work skills and decide if the career they are experiencing is right for them, it also enables them to make valuable work contacts and acts as an important stepping-stone to securing a job and climbing the first rung on the career ladder.